About our foodbank
Here is an introduction to our project.
Our foodbank is a partnership project with the Ardrossan Church of the Nazarene alongside Ayrshire Community Support Services
The Foodbank operates multiple food programmes:
The Foodbank: giving out emergency food parcels to those referred to us. The Foodbank operates 5-days a week (Monday to Friday) between the hours of 10am until 2pm. Those referred can collect from one of our host agencies (see Locations), collect from ourselves in Ardrossan or have the food delivered. We receive our food via donations at supermarkets, churches and schools. Businesses also donate as well as individuals dropping food off. WE raise and distribute 60 tons of food a year thanks to this generosity.
Larder: This is a programme with a membership. Members can have a weekly subsidised shop. The Larder is one of 14 across North Ayrshire. Members pay £4 a week and get two meat packs, 8 tins/packets, fresh fruit&veg as well as toiletries, household cleaning products and pet food.
Make a meal of it: This is a holiday based activity club which guarantees the children a healthy and nutritional meal. Each full week of school holidays the children can engage in a range of activities and enjoy the meal provided under contract by North Ayrshire Councils Education Departments award winning catering team.
Junior chef: This is our outreach programme to households who cannot attend MAMOI (see above). This programme provides a weeks worth of ingredients to make their own meals in accordance to the agreed recipes. In addition there is a twice weekly support online to help develop the children’s cooking skills. The emphasis is on the children cooking the meal with support from parents.
Campaigning: Who wants a foodbank to exist?? Nobody. So, we are encouraging communities, especially those with a lived experience of food insecurity, to come together and campaign to address social issues. Once the social ills are sorted we can close the foodbank down. Please get in touch to help us achieve this ambition.
Community Cinema: Each week the volunteer team operate a cinema. Free to watch the films offered is a mixture of classics and the latest releases. See the Fb page for “The mobile cinema” to get information on their venues as well as showings.
Art classes: Thanks to a wonderful community artist, Ellie Swanson, we work in partnership to offer a weekly art class for all. No experience necessary. In fact, come along to get experience of a range of art materials. Free of charge.