Give Help
Volunteers are the life blood of foodbanks. Your skills could be just what we need.
Volunteers are the driving force behind foodbanks. There are thousands of volunteers across the UK, helping The Trussell Trust Foodbank Network get emergency food to people in crisis. We want you to enjoy volunteering and there are lots of ways to get involved. Whatever role you choose, you will make a real difference to the life of someone in crisis.
Warehouse volunteer
We need help to weigh, sort and store donated food before it’s made into parcels for clients to collect. You could help in this vital work to ensure we have the right food available at all times.
Voucher coordinator
Foodbanks work with front line agencies who in turn refer clients to foodbanks. Some foodbanks have over 100 referral partners and in this role you will be coordinating the issuing and distribution of vouchers to these agencies. Once the vouchers are redeemed the data they contain needs to be added to our central database. Full training and support is available.
Helping at a foodbank centre
Meet clients and give out food parcels. Have an informal chat with clients over a cup of tea, to discuss their situation and signpost to further support. This operates Monday to Friday from 10am until 2pm.
Larder assistant
The daily needs of the Larder is to assist the members to pick their weekly shopping boost. In exchange for a weekly membership fee of £4 households can select up to 15 items. An average saving of £10 a weekly which releases £500 a year back to the household. Stock control will also be a responsibility of the Larder assistant.
Delivery drivers.
Not everybody can get to Ardrossan. If you can assist to deliver to Towns across North Ayrshire we would appreciate your assistance. Mileage allowance available to help with motoring costs.
The simple act of answering the phone can be life changing for the caller. The Foodbank would love to hear from you if you are able to help cover the telephone and be the frontline welcome to those visiting the Foodbank.
If you would like to seek a positive change to the way our communities work, changes which can lead to the closure of Foodbanks as they are no longer needed, we would welcome you to join our campaign for change group. No experience needed. A simple and honest desire to improve lives by highlighting the causes of inequality and a willingness to challenge the causes for the betterment of all.
Drop-bin collector.
Our supermarket partners have drop bins where their shoppers leave their generous and compassionate donations. To ensure we receive the items, to them pass onto those in need, we require local volunteers willing to go into their store weekly to uplift and bring to Ardrossan the donations.
In-store collection team
Throughout the year supermarkets give us the opportunity to have a face-to-face collection event to encourage their shoppers to donate food. Tesco operates two six-monthly three day events. Just before summer and just before Christmas. Other stores offer individual days. If you are willing to be part of a team looking after your local supermarket we would welcome your assistance.
Web editor
Our local website needs constant attention. Could your digital skills help communicate our message to a local and global audience? You will need to know a little about websites and ideally have experience of using WordPress (though training and support is available).
If you are interested in volunteering please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you! If the link does not work the email address is: [email protected]