
Campaigning – want to lead on change.

Thanks to the Trussell Trusts OLM project we have received support to engage and officer to organise local campaigning events with interested individuals and communities.

Rhion Mills would love to hear from organisations or individuals who would be interested to discuss what they believe should be changed in our communities and wider society which would lead to individual and collective improvements in individuals lives.

The ultimate aim of this project is to enhance peoples lives to a point whereby households no longer require the support of the Foodbank nor any other food related projects. That is that they have sufficient resources to not need free or subsidised food because they have sufficient to access all they require for a comfortable and self-supporting life.

This sounds very challenging and aspirational.

If your are intrigued or have an issue you would like to see addressed then drop Rhion a line, come along to a session or invite Rhion to your group.

email: [email protected]

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